- guild
- perkumpulan org dgn minat / pekerjaan sama* * *serikat sekerja* * *perkumpulan orang dengan minat/pekerjaan sama* * *serikat kerja
English-Indonesian dictionary. 2013.
English-Indonesian dictionary. 2013.
guild — guild; guild·hall; guild·ite; guild·ry; guild·ship; … English syllables
Guild — Guild, n. [OE. gilds, AS. gild, gield, geld, tribute, a society or company where payment was made for its charge and support, fr. AS. gildan, gieldan, to pay. See {Yield}, v. t.] 1. An association of men belonging to the same class, or engaged in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
guild — [gıld] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old Norse; Origin: gildi payment, guild ] an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests ▪ the Women s Guild … Dictionary of contemporary English
guild — early 13c., yilde (spelling later influenced by O.N. gildi guild, brotherhood ), a semantic fusion of O.E. gegyld guild and gild, gyld payment, tribute, compensation, from P.Gmc. *gelth pay (Cf. O.Fris. geld money, O.S. geld payment, sacrifice,… … Etymology dictionary
guild — [gild] n. [ME gild, blend of ON gildi, guild, guild feast & OE gyld, association (of paying members), akin to OHG gelt, OFris ield, all < base seen in OE gieldan, to pay: see YIELD] 1. in medieval times, a union of men in the same craft or… … English World dictionary
guild — index association (alliance), company (enterprise), confederacy (compact), cooperative, institute … Law dictionary
Guild — Guild, Theatre … Enciclopedia Universal
guild — [ gıld ] noun count an organization of people who all have the same job, goals, or interests … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
guild — see gild … Modern English usage
guild — [n] association, fellowship club, company, corporation, federation, group, interest group, league, lodge, order, organization, profession, society, sodality, trade, union; concepts 381,387 … New thesaurus
guild — ► NOUN 1) a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants. 2) an association of people for a common purpose. ORIGIN Old English, related to YIELD(Cf. ↑yielder) … English terms dictionary